
Badly written analytics script causes cascading homelab failure

This all started a couple weeks ago. Things started to slow down on my homelab server. My Minecraft server kept crashing. I thought that the Minecraft server was the cause of this because it has a lot of memory allocated to it and every time this would happen, the memory would fill up and the Minecraft server would crash. That thought was further reinforced when I noticed the memory was almost about to overflow when I stopped my Minecraft server and the memory usage significantly went down.

Roast your developer portfolio

I have just made yet another website! This one is inspired by codenoid/github-roast. Basically you just input a link to your portfolio site and it roasts it. Once you roast it, make sure to post it to Mastodon and Twitter with the #devportfolioroast hashtag.
The front-end was written in HTML, CSS, and JS and the backend fully in Python. Once you input the URL, the backend will send a request to the Gemma:2B model from Google using Ollama. It will then send the roast back to the browser and display it. The site is super simple.
Now it is time for you to go and roast your portfolio: